The general assembly of ALTER SUMMIT condemns the outrageous police violence used against cleaners and janitors of the Greek Ministry of Finance demonstrating in Athens yesterday.
Riot police violently attacked and beat peaceful demonstrators with at least two people understood to have already been hospitalised. The women have been camped out and demonstrating daily at the Ministry to defend their jobs since last September when mass layoffs and attempts to privatise their jobs were announced.
While on 15 May a Court ordered the Ministry to rehire the women until 23 September (when the case will be finally judged), today, following an appeal from the Ministry, the Supreme Court regrettably said they don't have to be rehired for this period.
The general assembly of ALTER SUMMIT reiterates its full solidarity with the movement of public servants who are in suspension and lay-off (cleaners, teachers, school guards e.t.c) and sit-in before of the ministry of finance over of month. We demand from the Greek government to rehire all of them immediately.
As ALTER SUMMIT, we follow the latest developments of this situation and we stand in solidarity by the Greek Movement which is opposing these catastrophic austerity policies being imposed in Greece.
BRUSSELS 13-6-2014
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