Μόλις βγήκε το ψήφισμα της Συνέλευσης της πλατείας Ταξίμ, Κωνσταντινούπολη, με τα πρώτα βασικά αιτήματα των εξεγερμένων (από το FB της Λεύγας το βρήκαμε)
Occupy Gezi Demands by Taksim Dayanismasi [Taksim Solidarity]
1. Gezi Park will be preserved as it is. It will not be exposed to any further works under the name of a barracks, mall, residential area, or museum, etc.
2. Unarmed and non-violent citizens who are congregating to exercise their constitutional rights will not be exposed to police violence. Those arrested for exercising these rights will be set free. All political, bureaucratic or public staff who have given the order to attack demonstrators exercising their right to assembly, those directing the attacks, and those individuals applying the violence, should be prosecuted in line with relevant legislation.
3. The main aim of the government’s privatisation and environmental policies is to monitor public profit. So that they may benefit the citizens of Turkey equally, the transfer, sale and renting out of public spaces, beaches, waters, forests, streams, parks and urban symbols to private companies, large holdings and investors will end.
4. Democracy does not consist only of going to the ballot box to cast a vote. Democracy guarantees the state itself as every group among the people expresses its needs and complaints without experiencing fear, arrest or torture. This resistance is a struggle for freedom of expression and freedom of thought. Those who want to save the park today have received the same treatment as those who advocated the headscarf yesterday. The Gezi Park resistance refuses every type of oppression.
5. We have seen the television channels, newspapers and news websites whose professional duty is to protect the public good and relay correct information have neglected for days this country’s citizens, youth and elderly who have been coming to Taksim’s Gezi Park to exercise their constitutional rights in a peaceful manner. For the media to have announced our resistance to the people on its fourth day is to disregard their professional duty. In this we call on the media—and especially the media patrons who owe their wealth to the people—to act in an ethical and professional way.
1. The demonstrations will continue until the awaited clarification regarding Gezi Park.
2. To prevent degeneration, the resistance will abstain itself from vandalism, swearing, alcohol and destroying the environment.
3. Permission will not be given to any political group, organisation or ideology to claim ownership of the resistance. The resistance will proceed shoulder to shoulder regardless of ethnic group, religious group, political party or gender identity.
4. With the aim of discouraging speculation, no news, tweets or rumours will be spread without corroboration. No information read, heard or received from the news will be accepted without question.
5. Demonstrators will use media tools to respond to the newspapers, television channels and news websites spreading false news to show the government is in the right. As their readers, audiences and users we will warn this media and invite it to objectivity by telephone and email.

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